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恐龙王地 Dinosaur King
霸王龙(tyrannosaurus rex)是一种非常致命的凶残恐龙,它在恐龙世界中的“暴君行径”是名不虚传的。其硕大颚骨和锋利牙齿能够将猎物撒裂成牙签大小。这种恐龙的体型很庞大,体长40英尺,身高20英尺,体重近1.6万磅,霸王龙是两足行走,在0.65亿年前白垩纪末期主要生活在北美洲西部的广阔地域。目前,科学家们仍置疑是否霸王龙是动作迟缓的食腐动物还是动作敏捷的掠食性动物,但无论它的食物是活着的还是生的,它口中的猎物一定很大,这种食肉性恐龙进食时一定非常血腥,玛君龙(Majungasaurus crenatissimus)时常在血淋淋的猎杀事件中将自己的同类作为嗜食对象,将同类 为一顿美味大餐。相关的证据来自于玛君龙的牙齿,科学家在这种恐龙的牙齿化石中发现的残留物与该物种骨骼十分符合。玛君龙体长20英尺,0.7亿年前漫步在马达加斯达平原上,那个时期食物数量不多。相关的考古资料显示玛君龙时常以风化的“恐龙干尸”为食,他们的猎食对象还包括食草性恐龙和自己的同胞物种。很可能嗜食同类在恐龙物种之间很常见,它们会以活着的同类为食。但目前相关的证据资料并不完全,齿的诺弗勒恶龙(Masiakasaurus knopfleri)用像长矛一样的前齿刺中猎物,然后用像刀片的后齿将猎物碎咀嚼,这种类型的牙齿排列在掠食性恐龙中并不常见。诺弗勒恶龙与德国牧羊犬大小相近,在距今0.65亿-0.7亿年前白垩纪末期,它们生活在冈瓦那超大陆南部。科学家们认为它们主要以鱼类、蜥蜴和其他动物为主。这种恐龙英文学名的第一部分意思是“邪恶的蜥蜴”,第二部分的命名来源于一位歌手德勒·斯特雷特斯(Dire Straits)和吉他手马克·诺珀弗利(Mark Knopfler),当时一位考古学家在马达加斯达挖掘工作中受益于他们的音乐灵感时才发现诺弗勒恶龙的部分身体组织化石。TO English,
Tyrannosaurus Rex (tyrannosaurus rex) is a very deadly vicious dinosaurs, it is in the dinosaur world, the "tyrant act" is a well-deserved reputation for. Its huge jaws and sharp teeth can spread fragmented into toothpick size of the prey. The dinosaur's size is very large, length 40 feet, 20 feet tall and weighs nearly 16,000 pounds, Tyrannosaurus rex is the two-legged walking in the late Cretaceous period 065 million years ago, living mainly in the vast region of western North America. At present, scientists still question whether T. rex was slow movements agile scavengers or predators, but the food is alive, whether it's still raw, it is a large population of certain prey, carnivorous dinosaur that eat Time will be very bloody, Jun Ma Long (Majungasaurus crenatissimus) often hunt in the bloody events will be their own kind as preferable, would be similar to a delicious meal. Relevant evidence from the dragon's teeth, Jun Ma, scientists in this dinosaur fossil teeth found in the residue is found with the bones of species. Ma Jun Long body length of 20 feet, 0.7 billion years ago, walking in the plains of Madagascar Costa, small amount of food that period. Information related to Ma Jun Long archaeological often to weathering of the "dinosaur mummy" for food, their prey includes herbivorous dinosaurs and their fellow species. Is likely to cannibalism is common among species of dinosaurs, they will live the same kind for food. Information relevant evidence but not entirely, teeth Nuofu Le dragon (Masiakasaurus knopfleri) before using the same teeth as the spear stabbed in the game, and then after like a blade broken teeth will chew their prey, this type of teeth arranged in predatory dinosaurs are not common. Nuofu Le dragon the same size with the German shepherd, in the 065 million -0.7 million years ago, the late Cretaceous period, they live in the southern super-continent Gondwana. Scientists believe that they are mainly on fish, lizards and other animals based. The scientific name of the first part of the dinosaur in English means "lizard of evil" and the second part of the name comes from a singer Chandler Stray Waters (Dire Straits) and guitarist 马克诺珀弗 Lee (Mark Knopfler ), was an archaeologist digging in Madagascar in Costa benefit from their musical inspirations we find Nuofu Le dragon fossils of some body tissues.
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