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在新的一年 In the New Year

大家都知道今天是最后一天的(2010)年在新的一年很多人会做很多东西,新年又要到了相信很多人都会开心和分红包给大家在新的一年祝大家生体建康祝大家新年过开心,在我们的电影和阿黄,(sawrence khoo)和导演(koolless chew)我们都会拍好我们的电影戏给大家最好的戏我们电影公司会在2011年拍一个最好看的戏给大家第一个是(死神少年)大家一定要看这个(死神少年)的故事是讲有一个少年人和他朋友在一个房子里然后会发生什么事大家一定要看这个死神少太好看了,最后一个戏就是(杀人夜)这个故事是讲他爸爸和他孩子他的孩子是一个很不好的人每天都不听他爸爸讲每一天都出去外面和一些环人在讲话他爸爸就很但心他的孩子不知道会他孩子做出什么事如果大家很想要看这两个戏的话就可以到(youtube,yahoo)你们就可以看到我们的电影戏了大家一定要看这两个戏会好看的谢谢大家在这里祝大家新的一年会过的很好谢谢大家。to English,We all know that today is the last day (2010) in the new year a lot of people will do many things, but also to the New Year, I believe many people happy and dividends will be contracted out to everyone in the new year wish you all a Happy New Year Jiankang the living body Have fun in our movies and Ah Huang, (sawrence khoo)And director (koolless chew) we will make a good movie for everyone we play our best film company in 2011, making one of the best for everyone to see the play the first one is the (juvenile death) we have to look at this (death boy ) The story is about a young man and his friend in a house and then what will happen we have to look less good read of this death, the last play is (to kill the night)
The story is about a young man and his friend in a house and then what will happen we have to look less good read of this death, the last play is (to kill the night) This is a story about his father and his child he Children is a very good do not listen to his dad every day about every day people go out there and some rings in his speech, his dad very heart of his children, but will his children do not know what happened if we Would like to see these two play, then you can to (youtube, yahoo)You can see our movie everyone will have to look at these two play nice thank you here I wish you all the new year will be just fine thank you.


新的世界大战二 A new world war II

今天我们的电影世界大战二又在出了这个世界大战二大家一定要看太好看了这个世界大战二的故事是讲他爸爸和他孩子被直升机救了在一个不知道什么的国家他们就在那边生活有一天他孩子和他爸爸讲爸爸没完菜了他爸爸就要出去了他爸爸和他孩子讲发生什么事都不要出去知道吗然后他爸爸就去买菜那里知道就看到有一个人在杀人给他看到他爸爸就快快跑去屋里去和他孩子讲我看到有一个人在杀人那里知道讲话就就讲到一半就看到有一个美国军队来了这里那里知道就有一个人在后面开枪杀了他就送到他去医讲到一半的时后他爸爸就死了他孩子为他爸爸找出是谁杀死他爸爸然后孩子就回家看到有一个人在那边等他又在讲话美国军队就要捕捉那个人,那个人就不要美国军队就讲出他的名字(jackson)美国军队要捕捉杀死他孩子的爸爸那个人是周杨桃他就不要给他捕捉他就跑美国军队就捕捉到他然后他就要死刑然后到了三年他孩子就老了他孩子就一个孙子他的孙子很不好有一天美国军队也老了就去他老朋友的家看到孙子那里知道他孙子就帮那个美国军队买了股票美国军队(jackson)就很生气美国军队(jackson)就很想打然后他公公就帮他给了RM 40,0000 的钱给了美国军队(jackson)然后就要去跑F1赛车他公公就不要给他去跑可是他孙子就不听他就跑他的F1赛车那里知道发生意外送去医院讲一点点的话就死了又在过多三年美国军队(jackson)就给他公公去做一个美国军队就给了他的公公做了一个大军队的美国军队这个世界大战二的故事就讲完了如果大家想要看这个世界大战二就去搜索,(koolless chew)和(sawrence khoo Ah huang)然后在搜索(youtube,yahoo,facebook,google,msn,blogspot,sina blog)你们就可以找我们的戏了,大家一定要看世界大战二的戏太很看了有多了两个新的演员来拍这个世界大战二大家一定来看这个世界大战二的新戏大家一定来看谢谢大家会来看谢谢。To English,Today Today we are again in the movie World War II World War II out of this we must look very good World War II saw the story about his father and his children were rescued in a helicopter did not know what country they are in the Life over there one day tell his children and his father father poured his father will dish out about his father and his children are not out of what happened and know that his father went there to buy food See a man kill his father to see him and he quickly ran to the house to tell my kids saw a man there that speak to the murder to right in the middle to see a U.S. military Come here and there that there is a shot in the back open to him to the doctors he spoke to half of the time his father died after his child to his father To find out who killed his father and the child to go home to see a man over there waiting for him in his speech the U.S. military would capture that person, that person should not the U.S. military to speak out his name (jackson) U.S. The army must capture the children's father to kill the man he is he will not give him carambola week he ran the U.S. military to capture to capture him and then he will have his death sentence and then to a three-year old child to his children he was a grandson One day the grandson of U.S. forces is not Also went to his old friend's home to see his grandson grandson know where the U.S. military to help buy the stock that the U.S. military (jackson) was very angry at the U.S. military (jackson) to want to beat his father to help him and then gave RM 40,0000 the money to the U.S. Army (jackson) and would like to run a F1 car would not give his father to run his grandson would not listen to him but he ran to his F1 car accident to the hospital to know where to tell a Little bit, then died and over three years in the U.S. Army (jackson) gave him to do a U.S. military father gave his father made a large army of World War II, U.S. forces this story finished if we Want to see the World War II went to search,(Koolless chew) and (sawrence khoo Ah huang) and then in the search (youtube, yahoo, facebook, google, msn, blogspot, sina blog) you can find our show, and we have to look at World War II drama too How is reading two new actors to film the World War II World War II we must look at this we must look at the new theater will look thank you thank you.


merry christmas 圣诞节快乐

我们的圣诞节又快到了大家都很开心从12月24日于翌年1月6日为圣诞节节期。节日期间,各国基督教徒都举行隆重的纪念仪式。圣诞节本来是基督教徒的节日,由于人们格外重视,它便成为一个全民性的节日,国家一年中最盛大的节日,可以和新年相提并论,类 是西方似我国过春节。
西方人以红、绿、白三色为圣诞色,圣诞节来临时家家户户都要用圣诞色来装饰。红色的有圣诞花和圣诞蜡烛。绿色的是圣诞树。它是圣诞节的主要装饰品,用砍伐来的杉、柏一类呈塔形的常青树装饰而成。上面悬挂着五颜六色的彩灯、礼物和纸花,还点燃着圣诞蜡烛,据说平安夜的晚上,圣诞节老公公会驾着驯鹿雪橇满载着礼物准备送点这一年来表现很好的小朋友,他会悄悄地从烟囱爬进屋内,礼物塞在挂在床头的袜子里。所以孩子总会把一条条色彩缤纷的袜子挂在床头,并在袜子旁边放杯热牛奶给劳苦功高的圣诞老人解渴,并送份大礼给自己,传说在很久以前,有一位农人,在圣诞节那天遇到一位穷苦的小孩,他热情地接待了孩子,这个小孩临走时折下根松枝插在地上,松枝立即变成一棵树,上面挂满了礼物,用来答谢农人的好意,祝大家圣诞节快乐每年都会很好谢谢,To Enghish,We are approaching Christmas and everybody was very happy from December 24 to January 6 next year for the Christmas festival. During the festival, national Christians held a grand ceremony. Christmas was originally a Christian holiday, as people paid special attention, it will become a national holiday, the biggest national holiday of the year, and the New Year can be compared, the class of the West like the Spring Festival.Westerners with red, green and white color for the Christmas colors, Christmas comes every household is decorated with Christmas colors. Red has the Christmas flowers and Christmas candles. Green is the Christmas tree. It is the main Christmas ornaments, with the cut to the cedar, cypress tower was a class of decorated evergreen tree. Hanging above the colorful lights, gifts and paper flowers, but also lit the Christmas candles.
It is said that the night of Christmas Eve, Christmas old man will be driving reindeer sleigh full of gifts ready to send points to the performance of the year, good kids, he would quietly climbed into the house from the chimney, presents stuffed in the stocking hanging on the bed. So the children always put a bar over the bed of colorful socks and socks next to put a cup of hot milk to quench their thirst toiled Santa Claus, and send copies of gift to yourself in the legends of long ago, a farmer in Christmas Day met a poor child, he warmly received the child, the child off before leaving in the ground under the pine roots, pine branches immediately into a tree, hung above a gift, to thank the farmer's good intentions.Merry Christmas every year, very good thank you.


World War II, a new play

现在(阿黄)《sawrence khoo》很有可能会拍世界大战第二会有两演员来拍这个世界大战第二这个故事是讲美国军队他从窗口里冲了出来他们美国军队打算要杀人死那两个孩子那里知道他孩子为保护他的爸爸没想到他孩子被火烫伤那他的孩子送他去医院没想美国军队又来了他孩子为了保护他的爸爸没想他孩子出了意外他孩子就死了,这个世界大战第二的故事是很好看的一个koolless chew 和(阿黄)《sawrence khoo》很有可能会拍这个世界大战第二的戏,大家一定要看这个世界大战第二的戏大家好我是(阿黄)《sawrence khoo》谢谢。To English,Now (Ah huang) "sawrence khoo" is likely to take the second world war there will be two actors to film the story is about the second world war the U.S. military rushed him from the window out of the U.S. military intended to kill them that die Where the two children for the protection of the child that he did not think his father was the fire burned his children's children that he did not think to send him to the hospital again the U.S. military in order to protect his children thought he was a child his father had an accident His children died, The story of World War II is a good look at a koolless chew and (Ah huang) "sawrence khoo" is likely to take the World War II drama, we have to look at this World War II drama Hello everybody I Is (Ah huang) "sawrence khoo" Thank you.


Ah huang sawrence khoo movie 电影戏

大家都知道阿黄作品出了这么多个戏今天阿黄Sawrence Khoo为大家出两个戏那个戏就是饿夜鬼和世界大战那这个戏是讲饿夜鬼是讲他爸爸和他的孩子有一天他爸爸和他的孩子在家里他爸爸就为他孩子讲要做好人不能做坏人他孩子就不要听他爸爸讲然后他和他爸爸就打架打到去天台然后他孩子就很生气他就推他爸爸下楼他的孩子要看书睡觉的时后他的爸爸就来找他的孩子~如果大家想要看这戏的话就去youtube看阿黄Sawrence Khoo的西戏包括facebook都会有阿黄Sawrence Khoo的戏现在是讲世界大战的戏也是讲他爸爸他们在一个家里那个家里就在海边那边有一天他的孩子就和他的爸爸讲他孩子要和他爸爸去购物走走他和他爸爸讲到一半话就发生意外他孩子和他爸爸就走到一个屋里去然后就讲到一半话的时后发生海啸然后快点走走到有一个房子然后他的爸爸就发生意外他就要死了和他孩子讲快点走他孩子要和他爸爸走他爸爸就不要走因为他没时间了他爸爸就死了然后他孩子走到他爷爷那边他讲这里会发生意外他爷爷就要走那里知道又发生意外他的爷爷又要死了他和他爷爷讲快点走了他的爷爷就不要走他和他孩子讲你快点走爷爷就不能了然后他爷爷就死了然后他就走到有一个房子看他的孩子他很开心讲到一半的时又在发生一个大意外然后他和他孩子走到有一个直升机来救了他们这个是故事怎样讲的你们就去youtube,和,facebook,看阿黄Sawrence khoo的戏谢谢会来看我阿黄Sawrence khoo的戏谢谢。to English,Ah huang works we all know so many plays out of the Ah huang Sawrence Khoo today is that we play a game of two nights is the hungry ghost and the world war then this movie is about hungry ghost is about the night his father and his child One day his father and his children in the home his father to tell his children not to do bad to do good kids do not listen to him talk about his father and then he and his father to a fight and then he hit the child to the roof Very angry and pushed him down the stairs his father reading to his children to sleep for hours after his father came to his children ~ If you want to see this movie, then went to youtube to see A play of the West Ah huang Sawrence Khoo Including facebook, there will be Ah huang Sawrence Khoo' World War II drama about the play is now also talk about his dad in a home that their house by the sea side on the day of his children and his father about his child to walk to go shopping with his father and his Half the words to his father talked about the accident and his father to his children went to the house and then talked about a half of the time, then quickly after the tsunami and then walk into a house and place of his father He is going to die unexpectedly, and his children say hurry up and his father to his children his father would not go away because he did not time his father died and his children went to his grandfather told him where there His grandfather would be an accident To go where the accident took place that his grandfather also died, he and his grandfather about his grandfather hurry to leave him and his children do not speak your grandfather can not walk out quickly and then his grandfather died and then he Went to see a house he was happy his children spoke half in the event of a major accident you and then he and his children went to have a helicopter to rescue them this is the story of how you go about youtube, and , facebook, read the play Ah huang Sawrence khoo Thank you will see me Ah huang Sawrence khoo drama Thank you.


網絡測速Network Speed

傲盾网络加速器是目前最流行,使用人数最多的一款上网加速软件。傲盾网络加速器是由用户终端软件以及加速服务器构成,傲盾网络加速器具有高性能的网络优化网关,透过改良 HTTP 协议与文字、影像压缩技术,大幅改善网页浏览速度和访问速度。傲盾网络加速器不等同于其他网络加速软件通过修改注册表等方法来做“提速”。软件终端运行后,通过1-3秒的身份验证便可连接至傲盾网络加速器数据中心分布在全国各地的12组24台加速服务器的任意一台。

to English,Network is about, recently, Meizhou, Shantou City, plum, Meihe two electronic speed on the highway points are fixed in accordance with the provisions of vertical licensing notices. The vertical speed card fixed point of the highway has two: one is fixed ShanMei electronic highway speed point, the direction of the SACP to the Thunder Dong Meizhou exit the tunnel, in its set up in front of 500-1000 meters signs; the other is fixed electronic highway speed Meihe point west of the highway at 31 kilometers to Guangzhou, the Ning service area across the road.Recently found a very special pride in the shield of network accelerator accelerator.
Proud of the shield is the most popular Web Accelerator, use a largest number of Internet acceleration software. Shield is a proud user terminal network accelerator software and Acceleration Server structure, high performance Web Accelerator proud Shield network optimization gateway, through modified HTTP protocol and text, image compression, significantly improve the web browsing speed and access speed.Pride Web Accelerator is not equivalent to shield other network acceleration software and other methods by modifying the registry to do "speed." The terminal run the software after the authentication by 1-3 seconds can be proud of the shield is connected to the network accelerator data center located in 12 groups across the country to accelerate the server of any one of 24 sets.
Through normal use, whether it is Internet access, video chatting, or playing online games, and pride, have good performance accelerator shield. Network speed is indeed quite obvious.


koolless chew director 导演

我koolless chew是一个导演我都会和(Ah huaNG)sawrence khoo开拍一个戏但是我做了两年的导演我就想出来开拍阿黄作品这个作品是我koolless chew导演很难可以想出来的一个阿黄作品包括阿黄作品有开拍电影片和开拍一个很完美的一个魔术和拍这个阿黄阿里咖啡我koolless chew导演除了可以帮(阿黄)sawrence khoo拍戏除了我做导演我还会去到外国帮人家拍电影戏我koolless chew做导演今年是第一次很难会想有阿黄这个作品如果大家想要看这个(啊黄)电影批和魔术和阿黄的美味阿里咖啡如果大家想要看(啊黄)的戏就去到这个(facebook,youtube,google,yahoo,msn,blogspot,sina blog),搜索sawrence khoo,(AH hunag)都可以看到(阿黄)sawrence khoo 謝謝大家我是导演(koolless chew)如果你们找的话你们搜索(koolless chew)到这个(facebook,youtube,google,yahoo,msn,blogspot,sina blog),你们就可以找我(koolless chew)导演謝謝大家。<^^>...,to English, I koolless chew is a director, I would tell (Ah huang) sawrence khoo filming a scene for two years but I did the director I wanted to work out shooting A yellow koolless chew this work I can think out of the director of a difficult Ah Wong A yellow works include works of shooting film and shooting a perfect shot of a magic and Ali, the Arab-Israeli yellow koolless chew my coffee can help the director in addition to (Ah huang) sawrence khoo filming in addition to the director I do I will go to foreign countries to help others I koolless chew movie theater directing for the first time this year, it would be difficult to have Ah huang this work if we want to see this (Ah huang) and the Arab Film award and the magic of delicious (Ah huang) Ali Cafe
I koolless chew can help the director in addition to (Ah huang) sawrence khoo filming in addition to the director I do I will go to foreign countries to help people make a movie scene I koolless chew is the first time this year, a director will want to have A yellow hard work if we want this look at this (Ah huang) and the Arab Film award and the magic yellow delicious coffee if you want to see Ali cafe (Ah huang) of the play went to this (facebook, youtube, google, yahoo, msn, blogspot, sina blog), Search sawrence khoo, (Ah hunag) can be seen (A yellow) sawrence khoo Thank you I was the director (koolless chew) If you are looking for, then you search (koolless chew) to this (facebook, youtube, google, yahoo, msn, blogspot, sina blog), you can find me (koolless chew) Director Thank you. <^^>...