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koolless chew director 导演

我koolless chew是一个导演我都会和(Ah huaNG)sawrence khoo开拍一个戏但是我做了两年的导演我就想出来开拍阿黄作品这个作品是我koolless chew导演很难可以想出来的一个阿黄作品包括阿黄作品有开拍电影片和开拍一个很完美的一个魔术和拍这个阿黄阿里咖啡我koolless chew导演除了可以帮(阿黄)sawrence khoo拍戏除了我做导演我还会去到外国帮人家拍电影戏我koolless chew做导演今年是第一次很难会想有阿黄这个作品如果大家想要看这个(啊黄)电影批和魔术和阿黄的美味阿里咖啡如果大家想要看(啊黄)的戏就去到这个(facebook,youtube,google,yahoo,msn,blogspot,sina blog),搜索sawrence khoo,(AH hunag)都可以看到(阿黄)sawrence khoo 謝謝大家我是导演(koolless chew)如果你们找的话你们搜索(koolless chew)到这个(facebook,youtube,google,yahoo,msn,blogspot,sina blog),你们就可以找我(koolless chew)导演謝謝大家。<^^>...,to English, I koolless chew is a director, I would tell (Ah huang) sawrence khoo filming a scene for two years but I did the director I wanted to work out shooting A yellow koolless chew this work I can think out of the director of a difficult Ah Wong A yellow works include works of shooting film and shooting a perfect shot of a magic and Ali, the Arab-Israeli yellow koolless chew my coffee can help the director in addition to (Ah huang) sawrence khoo filming in addition to the director I do I will go to foreign countries to help others I koolless chew movie theater directing for the first time this year, it would be difficult to have Ah huang this work if we want to see this (Ah huang) and the Arab Film award and the magic of delicious (Ah huang) Ali Cafe
I koolless chew can help the director in addition to (Ah huang) sawrence khoo filming in addition to the director I do I will go to foreign countries to help people make a movie scene I koolless chew is the first time this year, a director will want to have A yellow hard work if we want this look at this (Ah huang) and the Arab Film award and the magic yellow delicious coffee if you want to see Ali cafe (Ah huang) of the play went to this (facebook, youtube, google, yahoo, msn, blogspot, sina blog), Search sawrence khoo, (Ah hunag) can be seen (A yellow) sawrence khoo Thank you I was the director (koolless chew) If you are looking for, then you search (koolless chew) to this (facebook, youtube, google, yahoo, msn, blogspot, sina blog), you can find me (koolless chew) Director Thank you. <^^>...

