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在新的一年 In the New Year

大家都知道今天是最后一天的(2010)年在新的一年很多人会做很多东西,新年又要到了相信很多人都会开心和分红包给大家在新的一年祝大家生体建康祝大家新年过开心,在我们的电影和阿黄,(sawrence khoo)和导演(koolless chew)我们都会拍好我们的电影戏给大家最好的戏我们电影公司会在2011年拍一个最好看的戏给大家第一个是(死神少年)大家一定要看这个(死神少年)的故事是讲有一个少年人和他朋友在一个房子里然后会发生什么事大家一定要看这个死神少太好看了,最后一个戏就是(杀人夜)这个故事是讲他爸爸和他孩子他的孩子是一个很不好的人每天都不听他爸爸讲每一天都出去外面和一些环人在讲话他爸爸就很但心他的孩子不知道会他孩子做出什么事如果大家很想要看这两个戏的话就可以到(youtube,yahoo)你们就可以看到我们的电影戏了大家一定要看这两个戏会好看的谢谢大家在这里祝大家新的一年会过的很好谢谢大家。to English,We all know that today is the last day (2010) in the new year a lot of people will do many things, but also to the New Year, I believe many people happy and dividends will be contracted out to everyone in the new year wish you all a Happy New Year Jiankang the living body Have fun in our movies and Ah Huang, (sawrence khoo)And director (koolless chew) we will make a good movie for everyone we play our best film company in 2011, making one of the best for everyone to see the play the first one is the (juvenile death) we have to look at this (death boy ) The story is about a young man and his friend in a house and then what will happen we have to look less good read of this death, the last play is (to kill the night)
The story is about a young man and his friend in a house and then what will happen we have to look less good read of this death, the last play is (to kill the night) This is a story about his father and his child he Children is a very good do not listen to his dad every day about every day people go out there and some rings in his speech, his dad very heart of his children, but will his children do not know what happened if we Would like to see these two play, then you can to (youtube, yahoo)You can see our movie everyone will have to look at these two play nice thank you here I wish you all the new year will be just fine thank you.

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