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My (Ah huang) Sawrence Khoo out my new movie in 2011

新的(2011)年又来了今天是(2011)年的大日子大家都很开心新的一年做新的东西大家都会开心,那我们的阿黄(sawrence khoo)他今天要出两个戏第一个是杀人夜这个(杀人夜)的故事会很好看他的故事是讲他的(阿黄)爸爸和他孩子讲你去做警察不好做坏人那知道他很不要听他爸爸讲然后他就去杀了然后他自己就得了两个人然后他控制不到他自己是(阿黄)然后他就在去杀人这个故事也不知道他会不会被警察捕捉到他,然后第二个戏是(死神少年)这个故事我(阿黄)(sawrence khoo)我也不和大家讲了如果大家想要看我(阿黄)(sawrence khoo)的戏就可以到(youtube,yahoo,google)去到网络就可以找到我(阿黄)(sawrence khoo)了希望这每年都会过得开开心心谢谢大家。To English,New (2011) is on again today (2011) on the big day everyone is happy new year to do new things we all happy, then we Ah Wong (sawrence khoo) he was a two play today The first is the night of the murder (murder night) will look great on the story of his story is about his (Ah huang) father and his children do not tell you to do bad that the police knew he was not listening to his father talk Then he had then he would have to kill two people and then he can not control himself (Ah huang) and then to kill him in the story did not know he would not be the police catch him,Then the second movie is (Death Junior) the story I (Ah huang) (sawrence khoo) I do not and tell you that if you want to see me (Ah huang) (sawrence khoo) the play can go to (youtube, yahoo , google) to go to the network to find me (Ah huang) (sawrence khoo) the hope that it will live happily every year Thank you.

1 条评论:

  1. good (Ah huang) sawrence khoo movie 2011 years good show (Ah huang) sawrence khoo...
