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以人为本漫画 People-oriented comics

世界厕所峰会11月17日在京开幕,京、沪承诺厕所发展规划。本次峰会主题为“以人为本,改善生活环境,提高生活质量”,内容涉及改善厕所环境与人类生活质量的关系,厕所与旅游发展、经济、环保的关系及厕所设计建设文化等议题。将在四年后举办奥运会的北京,将在六年后举办世博会的上海,正共同面临着一个相同的考验,即城市的公厕问题。北京、上海两市官员在第四届世界厕所峰会上表示他们已为此做好了准备,厕所是都市的隐私,也是现代城市文明的标志性建筑符号。笔者赞同北京市副市长吉林在世界厕所峰会上的观点:“我们认为,小厕所,大问题。厕所建设和管理的好坏标志着一个城市乃至一个国家的文明程度,也标志着它的综合实力和人民生活水平的高低。”诚哉斯言,漠视厕所文明的城市和国家必然没有文化和未来,曾几何时,不少海外游客对中国厕所不满,尴尬的旅游厕所问题成为影响中国旅游形象、制约中国旅游业发展 让人难以启齿的问题。上世纪90年代初,某国外长及夫人在北京十三陵定陵博物馆参观后,甚至专门就厕所简陋问题给中国外交部写了一封投诉信。滥觞于上个世纪90年代末和20世纪初的中国“公厕革命”已初见成效,不过,“公厕革命”主要体现为外观上的厕所改造,片面追求技术性和规模化,甚至热衷于攀比建造豪华厕所;而市民的观念、管理者的理念并没有真正实现“与时俱进”。这就难怪在一些豪华厕所中,总是存在乱涂鸦、乱吐痰等不卫生、不文明的不和谐现象。To English,World Toilet Summit in Beijing on Nov. 17 opening, Beijing, Shanghai and commitment to the toilet development plan. The summit theme is "people-oriented, to improve the living environment, improve the quality of life ", the content related to improving the quality of life in the toilet environment, and human relations, toilets and tourism development, economic, environmental and sanitary design and construction of the relationship between culture and other issues. Will host the Olympic Games in Beijing four years later, after six years held in the Shanghai World Expo, is facing a similar challenge, that the city's public toilet problem. Beijing and Shanghai in the fourth World Toilet Summit officials said they had prepared for this, the toilet is the city's privacy, but also of modern urban civilization of the symbolic landmark. I agree with Vice Mayor of Beijing, Jilin in the view of the World Toilet Summit: "We believe that the small toilet, a big problem. The quality of toilet construction and management of a city and even the marks of a civilized country, it also marks a comprehensive Strength and level of people's lives. "Cheng Zai Adams words, ignoring the toilet and civilized city and the country culture and the future is not necessarily a time when many overseas visitors to China toilet dissatisfaction embarrassing toilet problem of an impact on the tourism image of China's tourism, constraints China's tourism industry makes the problem hard to tell. Early 90s of last century, a foreign ministers in Beijing in the Ming Tombs and his wife Dingling museum, or even simple questions specifically on the toilet to the Chinese Foreign Ministry wrote a letter of complaint. Originated in the late 90s of last century and early 20th century China, "toilet revolution " has achieved initial success, however, "toilet revolution " mainly for the appearance of the toilet on the transformation of one-sided pursuit of technical and scale, and even eager to compare with the construction Luxury toilet; and the concept of the public, managers do not truly realize the concept of "the times. " It is no wonder that in a number of luxury toilets, there is always random graffiti, spitting and other unsanitary chaos and uncivilized disharmony.


业务员 Salesman

隨著國人在內心裡開始產生風險意識後,對於保險也不再抱持排斥態度,甚至反而會主動提出投保的需求。和20年前相比,同樣是當業務員,在保單的銷售方面似乎愈來愈容易,這也是這幾年投保率成長速度加快的原因。然而,在去年的金融海嘯爆發後,不少產業都受到明顯的影響,在一般人印象中財務最穩健的壽險公司也受到嚴重波及,像美國最大的保險集團AIG公司傳出財務危機,進而影響到其在台子公司──南山人壽的營運情況;另外,本土的壽險鉅子──國泰人壽和新光人壽也產生虧損。後來還有外商和國內的壽險公司進行整併的情事發生,在在打擊民眾對保險公司的信心。to English,As people started to have awareness of risk, including the heart, after the exclusion of the insurance no longer hold the attitude, but even the demand for insurance will be offered. And 20 years ago, the same as salesman, sales in the policy seems increasingly likely, this is the policy rates in recent years the reasons for faster growth.However, the financial tsunami last year, many industries are subject to significant influence, in most people's most stable financial life insurance company has also been severely affected, as the largest U.S. insurance group AIG, the financial crisis spread, thereby affecting Its subsidiary in Taiwan ─ ─ operation of Nan Shan Life Insurance; In addition, the local insurance giant ─ ─ Cathay Life and Shin Kong Life is also a loss. Then there are foreign and the domestic life insurance companies whole and the circumstances occur, the insurance company in the fight against the people's confidence.


Product Design 产品设计

在台湾文化是中国传统文化受到日本等东方文化,以及美国、西班牙、荷兰等西方文化影响而形成的多文化混合体。这种文化上的融合使得台湾逐渐形成了其独有的文化,可看作南中国文化的一种变体形式。与此同时,台湾土著民族也各自具有独特的文化。(Chang, 2006; Taiwan Aborigines Art Studio,n.d.).台湾的文化多样性和独特性在设计领域有着可观的应用潜力,尤其是在目前全球市场上大多数产品正在由于其功能和形式上的相似性而失去特点,具有本地特征的设计变得越来越重要的时候。文化因素作为产品独特的特征,可以用于在国际市场上增强识别性,也可以提高消费者的体验。(Handa, 1999; Yair, Press, & Tomes, 2001; Yair,Tomes, & Press, 1999). 台湾对于本地文化发展的不断重视,已经呈现出在国际市场上彰显台湾风格的强烈意愿,在1996年亚特兰大奥运会上播放的布伦族土著音乐就是一例,通过在设计中使用本地因素而在国际市场上创造产品个性,设计师已经注意到了让产品同文化因素相关联从而提高产品价值的重要性。现在工业设计可以促进将文化因素整合到产品中这一过程,并且将会对在充满竞争的国际产品市场中提高文化价值发挥重要作用。To English,Culture in Taiwan by the Japanese traditional culture of China and other Eastern cultures, and the United States, Spain, the Netherlands and other Western cultural influence and the formation of multi-cultural mix. This cultural fusion of Taiwan has gradually formed its unique culture, Chinese culture can be seen as a southern variant form. At the same time, Taiwan's indigenous peoples have their own unique culture. (Chang, 2006; Taiwan Aborigines Art Studio, nd). Taiwan's cultural diversity and uniqueness in the design field has considerable potential applications, especially in the current global market for most products is due to the similarity of function and form Loss of features, local features of the design becomes more important time. Cultural factors as the product's unique characteristics, can be used to enhance the recognition in the international market, which also can improve the consumer experience. (Handa, 1999; Yair, Press, & Tomes, 2001; Yair, Tomes, & Press, 1999). Taiwan for the constant attention of local cultural development, has shown a highlight in the international market, the strong will of the Taiwan-style, in 1996 Brent played on the Olympic Games in Atlanta family is an example of indigenous music, through the use of local factors in the design and create products in the international market personality, so that product designers have noticed associated with cultural factors to enhance the importance of product value. Now industrial design can contribute to the cultural factors into products of this process, and will be competitive in international product markets play an important role in improving cultural values​​.


好运来 Good luck

过了几天这次的金马奖对我讲是很最重要的奖不过也不会不理我工作因为工作对我来讲是重要的一个作,来看这一个好运,中国人每个人都有属于自己的生肖,属相不同,意义何在?“生肖”是代替十二地支、用来表示人们出生的12种动物,即鼠、牛、虎、兔、龙、蛇、马、羊、猴、鸡、狗、猪。如寅年出生的人属虎,卯年出生的人属兔。“生肖”也就是俗话说的“属相”,是中国人特有的一种表示出生时间的方式,相当于西方的黄道十二星座(双鱼座、白羊座、金牛座、双子座、巨蟹座、狮子座、室女座、天秤座、天蝎座、人马座、摩羯麻、宝瓶座) 有一次,一个由欧洲贵族组成的参访团来到中国。他们中的大多数跟王族有亲戚关系,非常有学问和修养,待人彬彬有礼,但他们的修养背后隐藏着一种傲慢。最后一天聚餐,可能酒喝多了,这些贵族的言谈举止变得比较率性。席间,一位德国贵族站了起来,说:“你们中国人,怎么属什么猪啊、狗啊、老鼠啊!不像我们,都是金牛座、狮子座、仙女座……真不知道你们祖先怎么想的!”众人听了哈哈大笑,还互相碰杯,先前的优雅完全不见了。按理说,人家在骂你祖宗了,你即使想不出话反击,起码可以掀桌子啊!但是,所有在场的中国人都坐着不吭声,也可能是没有反应过来。我站了起来,用平和的语气说:“是的,中国人的祖先很实在。我们十二生肖俩俩相对、六道轮回,体现了我们的祖先对我们的期望和要求。”这时,现场气氛慢慢安静下来,不过,贵族们的脸上还是一副不屑的神情。To,English, A few days later told me the Golden Horse Awards is the most important award, but will not ignore my work because work is important for me one for, look at this good fortune, the Chinese people that everyone Have their own zodiac, Zodiac different significance? "Zodiac " is replaced by the twelve Earthly Branches, that people are born to the 12 species of animals, namely the rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, rooster, dog and pig. If the person is born Yin Tiger, Mao years, people born a rabbit. "Zodiac " is the saying goes, "Zodiac"is an expression of the unique Chinese way of birth,Equivalent to the twelve constellations of Western (Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn Ma, Aquarius) once, a delegation composed of the European aristocracy came to China . Most of them have relatives with the royal family relations, very knowledgeable and self-cultivation, kind and courteous, but they have hidden behind an arrogant self-cultivation. Last day of the dinner, you may drink more, these behaviors become more aristocratic whims. During the reception, a German aristocrat stood up and said: "You Chinese people, how is what Zhu A, dogs, mice ah! as we are Taurus, Leo, Andromeda ... ... really do not know how your ancestors Think! "everyone breaks into laughter, but also the Big Apple, the previous elegant completely disappeared. It stands to reason, people call you father in, you even can not think back then, at least you can lift the table ah! However, the presence of the Chinese people all sat silent, or may not respond. I stood up, with a calm tone, said: "Yes, indeed the ancestors of the Chinese people. We both two relatively zodiac, six cycle, the embodiment of our ancestors to our expectations and demands. " At this time, on-site Atmosphere slowly quiet down, but the nobility of the face or a look of disdain.