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隨著國人在內心裡開始產生風險意識後,對於保險也不再抱持排斥態度,甚至反而會主動提出投保的需求。和20年前相比,同樣是當業務員,在保單的銷售方面似乎愈來愈容易,這也是這幾年投保率成長速度加快的原因。然而,在去年的金融海嘯爆發後,不少產業都受到明顯的影響,在一般人印象中財務最穩健的壽險公司也受到嚴重波及,像美國最大的保險集團AIG公司傳出財務危機,進而影響到其在台子公司──南山人壽的營運情況;另外,本土的壽險鉅子──國泰人壽和新光人壽也產生虧損。後來還有外商和國內的壽險公司進行整併的情事發生,在在打擊民眾對保險公司的信心。to English,As people started to have awareness of risk, including the heart, after the exclusion of the insurance no longer hold the attitude, but even the demand for insurance will be offered. And 20 years ago, the same as salesman, sales in the policy seems increasingly likely, this is the policy rates in recent years the reasons for faster growth.However, the financial tsunami last year, many industries are subject to significant influence, in most people's most stable financial life insurance company has also been severely affected, as the largest U.S. insurance group AIG, the financial crisis spread, thereby affecting Its subsidiary in Taiwan ─ ─ operation of Nan Shan Life Insurance; In addition, the local insurance giant ─ ─ Cathay Life and Shin Kong Life is also a loss. Then there are foreign and the domestic life insurance companies whole and the circumstances occur, the insurance company in the fight against the people's confidence.

