过了几天这次的金马奖对我讲是很最重要的奖不过也不会不理我工作因为工作对我来讲是重要的一个作,来看这一个好运,中国人每个人都有属于自己的生肖,属相不同,意义何在?“生肖”是代替十二地支、用来表示人们出生的12种动物,即鼠、牛、虎、兔、龙、蛇、马、羊、猴、鸡、狗、猪。如寅年出生的人属虎,卯年出生的人属兔。“生肖”也就是俗话说的“属相”,是中国人特有的一种表示出生时间的方式,相当于西方的黄道十二星座(双鱼座、白羊座、金牛座、双子座、巨蟹座、狮子座、室女座、天秤座、天蝎座、人马座、摩羯麻、宝瓶座) 有一次,一个由欧洲贵族组成的参访团来到中国。他们中的大多数跟王族有亲戚关系,非常有学问和修养,待人彬彬有礼,但他们的修养背后隐藏着一种傲慢。最后一天聚餐,可能酒喝多了,这些贵族的言谈举止变得比较率性。席间,一位德国贵族站了起来,说:“你们中国人,怎么属什么猪啊、狗啊、老鼠啊!不像我们,都是金牛座、狮子座、仙女座……真不知道你们祖先怎么想的!”众人听了哈哈大笑,还互相碰杯,先前的优雅完全不见了。按理说,人家在骂你祖宗了,你即使想不出话反击,起码可以掀桌子啊!但是,所有在场的中国人都坐着不吭声,也可能是没有反应过来。我站了起来,用平和的语气说:“是的,中国人的祖先很实在。我们十二生肖俩俩相对、六道轮回,体现了我们的祖先对我们的期望和要求。”这时,现场气氛慢慢安静下来,不过,贵族们的脸上还是一副不屑的神情。To,English, A few days later told me the Golden Horse Awards is the most important award, but will not ignore my work because work is important for me one for, look at this good fortune, the Chinese people that everyone Have their own zodiac, Zodiac different significance? "Zodiac " is replaced by the twelve Earthly Branches, that people are born to the 12 species of animals, namely the rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, rooster, dog and pig. If the person is born Yin Tiger, Mao years, people born a rabbit. "Zodiac " is the saying goes, "Zodiac"is an expression of the unique Chinese way of birth,Equivalent to the twelve constellations of Western (Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn Ma, Aquarius) once, a delegation composed of the European aristocracy came to China . Most of them have relatives with the royal family relations, very knowledgeable and self-cultivation, kind and courteous, but they have hidden behind an arrogant self-cultivation. Last day of the dinner, you may drink more, these behaviors become more aristocratic whims. During the reception, a German aristocrat stood up and said: "You Chinese people, how is what Zhu A, dogs, mice ah! as we are Taurus, Leo, Andromeda ... ... really do not know how your ancestors Think! "everyone breaks into laughter, but also the Big Apple, the previous elegant completely disappeared. It stands to reason, people call you father in, you even can not think back then, at least you can lift the table ah! However, the presence of the Chinese people all sat silent, or may not respond. I stood up, with a calm tone, said: "Yes, indeed the ancestors of the Chinese people. We both two relatively zodiac, six cycle, the embodiment of our ancestors to our expectations and demands. " At this time, on-site Atmosphere slowly quiet down, but the nobility of the face or a look of disdain.
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过了几天这次的金马奖对我讲是很最重要的奖不过也不会不理我工作因为工作对我来讲是重要的一个作,来看这一个好运,中国人每个人都有属于自己的生肖,属相不同,意义何在?“生肖”是代替十二地支、用来表示人们出生的12种动物,即鼠、牛、虎、兔、龙、蛇、马、羊、猴、鸡、狗、猪。如寅年出生的人属虎,卯年出生的人属兔。“生肖”也就是俗话说的“属相”,是中国人特有的一种表示出生时间的方式,相当于西方的黄道十二星座(双鱼座、白羊座、金牛座、双子座、巨蟹座、狮子座、室女座、天秤座、天蝎座、人马座、摩羯麻、宝瓶座) 有一次,一个由欧洲贵族组成的参访团来到中国。他们中的大多数跟王族有亲戚关系,非常有学问和修养,待人彬彬有礼,但他们的修养背后隐藏着一种傲慢。最后一天聚餐,可能酒喝多了,这些贵族的言谈举止变得比较率性。席间,一位德国贵族站了起来,说:“你们中国人,怎么属什么猪啊、狗啊、老鼠啊!不像我们,都是金牛座、狮子座、仙女座……真不知道你们祖先怎么想的!”众人听了哈哈大笑,还互相碰杯,先前的优雅完全不见了。按理说,人家在骂你祖宗了,你即使想不出话反击,起码可以掀桌子啊!但是,所有在场的中国人都坐着不吭声,也可能是没有反应过来。我站了起来,用平和的语气说:“是的,中国人的祖先很实在。我们十二生肖俩俩相对、六道轮回,体现了我们的祖先对我们的期望和要求。”这时,现场气氛慢慢安静下来,不过,贵族们的脸上还是一副不屑的神情。To,English, A few days later told me the Golden Horse Awards is the most important award, but will not ignore my work because work is important for me one for, look at this good fortune, the Chinese people that everyone Have their own zodiac, Zodiac different significance? "Zodiac " is replaced by the twelve Earthly Branches, that people are born to the 12 species of animals, namely the rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, rooster, dog and pig. If the person is born Yin Tiger, Mao years, people born a rabbit. "Zodiac " is the saying goes, "Zodiac"is an expression of the unique Chinese way of birth,Equivalent to the twelve constellations of Western (Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn Ma, Aquarius) once, a delegation composed of the European aristocracy came to China . Most of them have relatives with the royal family relations, very knowledgeable and self-cultivation, kind and courteous, but they have hidden behind an arrogant self-cultivation. Last day of the dinner, you may drink more, these behaviors become more aristocratic whims. During the reception, a German aristocrat stood up and said: "You Chinese people, how is what Zhu A, dogs, mice ah! as we are Taurus, Leo, Andromeda ... ... really do not know how your ancestors Think! "everyone breaks into laughter, but also the Big Apple, the previous elegant completely disappeared. It stands to reason, people call you father in, you even can not think back then, at least you can lift the table ah! However, the presence of the Chinese people all sat silent, or may not respond. I stood up, with a calm tone, said: "Yes, indeed the ancestors of the Chinese people. We both two relatively zodiac, six cycle, the embodiment of our ancestors to our expectations and demands. " At this time, on-site Atmosphere slowly quiet down, but the nobility of the face or a look of disdain.
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