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浮罗交怡旅游 Langkawi Tourism
马来西亚最大的群岛和拥有最丰富历史传奇的旅游 胜地。早在中国古代的文献中已称之为“龙牙交椅”,属于吉打州属地,位于马六甲海峡北侧与泰国的克拉地峡交界处。这里丰富的花岗岩石和石灰岩石构成浮罗交怡拥有驰名中外的云石矿产资源。此外, 这里还盛产精美高质量的水晶彩石。从飞机上远眺,群岛尽收眼底,洁白的沙滩,碧蓝的大海,婆娑起舞的椰树,纯朴雅致的小楼房,构成一幅绝景的热带风情画,不少海外游客都称它为亚洲的“地中海”。浮罗交怡又被称“兰卡威”,在马来语的意思是“棕色的老鹰”。浮罗交怡上空常见老鹰在盘旋翱翔,它们仿佛也变成了当地居民的守护神。今天,这些老鹰已甘心在此等待游客的喂食,吃饱后再继续为这片好山好水担任守卫的工作,永远不愿离去,最终老鹰也自然成为了这里的标志,几百年以来,浮罗交怡都流传著种种不同的传说,其中就以马苏丽公主对浮罗交怡恩怨传说最为经典。故事说很久以前岛上有个苏丹的美丽nu儿,被诬陷于一名平民青年私通,违反教规和不忠于丈夫,结果被处死。临刑前,她诅咒岛上的一切。她死时流出的血如是白色的,就证明她是无辜被冤屈的。还有充满神奇的“孕妇岛”给不孕夫妇赐子的传说等。To English,Malaysia's largest archipelago and has a rich history of the most legendary resort. Back in ancient Chinese literature has been called "Agrimonia top spot", are territorial Kedah, Malacca Strait in the north and the junction of Thailand's Isthmus of Kra. This rich granite and limestone rock form Langkawi has the famous marble mineral resources. In addition, there are also rich in beautiful high-quality crystal stones. Overlooking from the plane, panoramic view of islands, white sandy beaches, blue sea, swaying palm trees dance, simple elegant little building, form a superb view of the tropical paintings, many overseas visitors have called it Asia's "Mediterranean. " Langkawi has been referred to as "Langkawi"in Malay means "brown eagle. " Langkawi eagle circled over the common fly, they seem to have become the patron saint of the local population. Today, the Hawks have been waiting for tourists willing to feed this, eat this beautiful waters and then continue to work as a guard, never want to leave, ultimately eagle naturally become a symbol here, a few hundred years, Langkawi is popular with many different legends, among them Princess to Masu Li Luo floating exchange Yien complain the most classic legend. Story said long ago that there was a beautiful nu Sudanese children, young people are framed in a civilian affair, in violation of religious rules and not loyal to her husband, the result was executed. Before execution, she cursed the island for all. She died out of the case of white blood to prove that she is innocent grievances. There is full of magical "island of women" to infertile couples give children the legends.
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