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天下太平 Peace and harmony
大家可以来看我(阿黄)sawrence khoo第一次出的天下太平的故事非常好好的听故事大家都可以来看看天下太平的故事在,天行健“君子以自强不息”地势坤,君子以厚德载物。燕垒生的《天行健》是《楚河汉界》开发团队都热烈推荐的一本书。在这部小说中,作者凭空构架了一个战争时代,不论是战场上的明刀明枪或是官场中的勾心斗角,《天行健》都做了很深的刻划,让人深切感受到战争的残酷。而在《楚河汉界》,不同于书中的白描,游戏通过玩家的亲身参与与体验,构建了一个真实可触的秦末汉初战火纷飞,诸侯纷争的场景,秦王嬴政灭六国,一统天下。天下百姓原以为从此天下太平,再无兵祸,却怎知这始皇父子暴虐无道,更甚桀纣。公元前209年,陈胜,吴广在大泽乡揭竿而起,忍辱偷生的百姓的怨气终于爆发,他们纷纷斩杀长吏,响应陈胜,整个中原都被淹没在抗秦的浪潮中。故楚项羽,沛县刘邦,也顺应民意,起兵反秦,更立楚王后裔为楚怀王,赢得百姓支持。楚怀王为了激励将士早日灭秦,定下了“先入关中者,王之”的誓约。刘邦,项羽同时高声请战。于是怀王让项羽往北行军,前往巨鹿救赵,又让刘邦往西行军,绕道南阳峣关,两路齐出,直奔咸阳自此,天下人的目光都聚焦在刘邦项羽这两个英雄身上!到底谁能先入关中?反秦浪潮席卷整个中原大陆。不论是山野村夫还是名士贵族,都想着投奔某支义军,加入灭秦抗秦的大业。其中不少有识之士高瞻远瞩,已经预见到秦朝一旦被灭亡,则必然有人会取暴秦而代之,成为新的天下之主。谁才会是真龙天子?谁能救万民于水火?隐士黄石公相面之术天下无双,尝与一些英雄豪杰谈论天下人物,说:“我观沛县刘邦,故楚项羽,皆有万乘之相,帝王之资,将来天下之主必出于此二人中也。”于是,作为《楚河汉界》众多玩家之一,你可以选择投奔项羽或是刘邦。感受霸王略地的英雄气概,或是汉王刘邦的知人善用。同时,参加攻城战,大型副本。很快,从帝王手下的名士即可胜任为大将带兵打仗。精彩无限,尽在《楚河汉界》!To English,We can see me (Ah Wong) sawrence khoo peace and harmony for the first time out to listen to the story of a very good story for all to see peace and harmony since the story, the day revolves "gentleman self" terrain-kun, the gentleman thick De loading. Yan Lei students "Heaven" is "Chu opposing powers community" development team are warmly recommended book. In this novel, the author of a war era structure out of thin air, whether on the battlefield or openly bureaucratic infighting in, "Heaven" has done a deep characterization, people deeply feel the war cruelty. In the "Chu opposing powers" constituency, unlike the book line drawing, games by players to participate and experience first-hand, can be constructed in contravention of a real war-torn late Qin and early Han Dynasty, the feudal disputes scene, the King of Qin Ying Zheng off six countries, dominance. Since then, people thought the world peace and harmony, no Binghuo, but it turns out that the First Emperor and his son is no way oppressive, even more Jiezhou. In 209 BC, Chen Sheng and Wu Guang rise up in the Daze Heung, the grievances of the people live in disgrace finally broke, but they have beheaded Zhang Li, Chen Sheng response, the Central Plains have been submerged in the wave of Kangqin. Therefore, Chu Xiang Yu, Liu Pei, also heed public opinion, revolted Fan Qin, more established as a grandson of the king descended to win people support. In order to encourage officers and men of the early Mieqin grandson, set the "first entry of persons, the king of" the pledge. Liu Bang, Xiang Yu also loud Qingzhan. So let huai Xiang Yu march north, to Julu rescue Zhao, perhaps westward march Liu, Nanyang steep detour off, the two together, went straight to the Xianyang Since then, the world's eyes are focused on the two Liu Xiang Yu hero body! Who in the first entry in the end? Fan Qin swept the continent throughout the Central Plains. Celebrities, whether rustic or noble, are thinking of volunteers to go over a branch, adding Mieqin Kangqin the cause. Many people of insight vision, have been foreseen when the Qin Dynasty was destroyed, then someone will inevitably take Baoqin and replaced, become the new Lord of the world. Who will be the real dragons? The people who saved untold miseries? Hermit Yellowstone physiognomy of the surgery unparalleled in the world, try talking with a number of heroes world figures, said: "I view Pei Liu Bang, Xiang Yu Chu therefore, there are the phase Wan Cheng, imperial capital, the future for the world of the Lord The two also. "Thus, as the" world Chu opposing powers, "one of many players, or you can choose to defect to Liu Xiang. King felt a little to the heroic spirit, or the use of Hanwang Zhiren Liu Bang. At the same time, to participate in siege warfare, large copy. Soon, celebrities from the king's men can be competent for the general troops in war. Best of unlimited, all in "Chu milky world!"
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I (Ah huang) sawrence khoo I wish you peace and harmony